
GRETA pro plant sets

A set for passionate gardeners

AVEMA makes gardening sustainable, effortless, and joyful – from planting to harvest.


More than just seeds and pots

Our thoughtfully curated plant sets

Sustainability and well-thought-out details ensure optimal plant growth. Our biodegradable GRETA pro growing pot fulfills two functions at once – it not only provides space for the plants, but also fertilises them with valuable nitrogen as it decomposes. In addition to high-quality seeds, a peat-free coconut swelling substrate is included, which provides an environmentally friendly basis for healthy plant growth. AVEMA makes gardening sustainable, effortless, and joyful – from planting to harvest.

1. Preplanting

Seedlings and young plants can be pre-grown in GRETA pro until they reach a sufficient size for transplanting outdoors. The pot maintains its dimensional stability and only decomposes once in the soil.

2. Planting out

Once the plant has reached the appropriate size for transplanting, it can be placed directly into the open ground or greenhouse with GRETA pro - no potting up is necessary. This approach not only protects the root system but also establishes an optimal foundation for nutrient supply.

3. Self-fertilising

When planted in the soil, GRETA pro begins to decompose within just a few weeks. This process not only promotes root health but also releases nitrogen, providing essential nutrients for the plant.


  • Set contains all the necessary components for growing the seeds included: GRETA pro plant pots, seeds and peat-free coconut potting substrate
  • Releases nitrogen during decomposition, supports growth, and is gentle on roots
  • Decomposition starts in the soil after just a few weeks, allowing unrestricted root growth.


  • Ideal for promotional gifts and personal cultivation
  • Available as a Hot&Sweet Set (with bell pepper and Cayenne pepper seeds) and as a Basic Green Set (with basil and oregano seeds) - a variety of other combinations is available upon request
  • Also available in a display


  • Ingredients of GRETA pro plant pots: miscanthus fibre, stabilised collagen fibres, natural waxes, plant-based succinates
  • GRETA pro promotes humus formation with its high content of natural fibers and organic components
  • Microorganisms and protozoa ensure rapid pot decomposition
  • Our peat-free coconut coir pellets help preserve moorlands, protecting the environment


  • Personal cultivation and hobby gardeners

Innvation meets creativity

The perfect set for every occasion

From herbs and vegetables to seasonally curated seed combinations, our plant sets offer a variety of options to meet your needs year-round, from summer to winter.

Promotes growth

GRETA pro consists of natural, fully biodegradable ingredients and decomposes in the soil within a few weeks. This decomposition process releases nitrogen, which is an important nutrient for the plant and supports the formation of humus.

A world of opportunities

Our GRETA pro planting sets come in different varieties, with custom seed combinations available upon request to meet all your needs.


GRETA pro is made from miscanthus fiber, stabilised collagen fibers, natural waxes and vegetable succinates, and is therefore completely biodegradable. This way, GRETA pro reduces plastic waste and makes an important contribution to sustainable horticulture.

European production

At AVEMA, we prioritize European production to shorten supply chains and significantly contribute to environmental protection.

Creating innovations together

Our partnership with PTO PolyTec

The innovative and sustainable GRETA pro plant pot was developed and brought to life in close collaboration with our partner PTO PolyTec Oberschwaben. For more information about our development partner, please visit their website.